
Hi! I am Brad

Welcome to Cedarwood Golf

I have always had a love for golf, I used to go with my dad and watch him play and I was about 10 when I started playing myself. I started on a handicap of 50 something and played just 5 holes per round in the junior grade I was in.

After a couple of years of playing, practicing out in the paddock behind my house and attending school holiday golf camps I got my handicap down to the low 20s. I was now playing in senior competitions with my dad and would always go and have a game with both my Pops when I visited them.

In my late teens and in my 20s I only played casually as my social life was busier and I worked weekend jobs during high school and University. In my late 20s I started playing more again and now in my early 30s I’m playing and loving golf again.

My handicap now floats between 14 and 18. My aim is to get down to about 5 or 6 and consistently play to it so I can play more difficult courses and play them well.

I started Cedarwood Golf to help other golfers looking to improve their game find the right information for them. As I started to research how to make small improvements to my own game and understand different golf balls, clubs, swings etc I noticed it can be difficult find what you need. So I started Cedarwood Golf to focus on real reviews, tests and opinions on all things golf.

In my day job I’m a Digital Marketing Manager and know how to set up a website and write articles so I went for it. For now, Cedarwood Golf is a side project with the aim that it will become full-time on day. Then I can live the dream and play golf all the time and write about it.